Symposium Thomisticum VIII will take place in Prague, 5 – 7 June 2025.
The theme of the Symposium will be Aquinas Universal Teacher.
Any topic relating to the philosophy or theology of St Thomas will be welcome.
Intending Speakers:
- Filipa Afonso - Pavel Blažek - Vivian Boland OP - Janice Breidenbach - Michael Breidenbach - Brian Carl - John Cottingham - Daniel De Haan - Domenic D’Ettore - Štěpán M. Filip OP - Kevin Flannery SJ - Harm Goris - John Haldane - Joshua Hochschild - Ed Houser - Mark Johnson - Ioannis Kalogerakos - Gyula Klima - Reginald Lynch OP - Rupert Mayer OP - Dermot Moran - Metoděj Němec OP - Turner Nevitt - Fran O’Rourke - Thomas Osborne - Eric Perl - Gregory Reichberg - Andrea Robiglio - Fáinche Ryan - Michael Sherwin OP - Irenej Šiklar OP - Randall Smith - Mary Catherine Sommers - David Svoboda - Richard Taylor - Rudi Te Velde - Anna Tropia - David Twetten - Giovanni Ventimiglia - Patrick Zoll SJ
Overall attendance will be limited to 70 participants.
Early submission of abstracts is advised.
The final date for submission is 28 February. It will be noted on this website if the schedule is filled sooner.
The full text of papers must be submitted by 1 May.
Papers will be circulated in advance; summaries will be presented at the symposium: papers will be discussed rather than read.
Registration of €200 includes conference materials, refreshments, and two evening meals.
All inquiries to Fran O’Rourke, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, University College Dublin (
Abstracts and papers should be emailed to
Symposium schedule The Symposium begins on Thursday morning with registration at 9am and the first session at 9.30. The academic programme ends on Saturday at 1pm. In the afternoon there is a private tour of Strahov Library, one of the most beautiful libraries in the world. The conference dinner takes place on Saturday evening at 8pm.
Symposium Thomisticum IX will take place in Chile in January 2026.